is a great way for parents to connect with other parents and get information about parenting. This group is a place where parents can share information about their experiences with parenting, ask questions, inspiring blogs, and a lot more resources waiting for you!

My name is Bailey Qualtz. 

I am the creator of Parenting Resource Group.

What inspired me to create this website is my best friend, who is a full time mom of 5 kids. I have been with her since the beginning of her journey to motherhood. We have seen each other’s struggles, although, my struggle doesn’t involve kids because I have none.

I remember when she was pregnant with her first child and we would go out for coffee and chat about everything related to being a mom. Those were the days! Now that she has 5 kids, I don’t get to see her as often as I’d like, but we still communicate regularly through text and email. 

One day, she told me about how hard it was to find time for herself and that she was feeling overwhelmed with all the responsibilities of being a mom. She also said that she wished there was a website where she could go for advice and resources. That’s when the idea for the Parenting Resource Group popped into my head! 

I quickly got to work creating a website that would be a safe zone for parents everywhere. On the website, they can take advantage of all the resources provided, read all the helpful inspiring blogs, or even share your own stories, blogs and resources by sending us messages.
So if you’re feeling overwhelmed as a parent, please know that you are not alone! And don’t hesitate to reach out to us so we can help you in any way we can.